CULTURE&PODCAST#04 – DISCOVER ENGLISH LITERATURE PART 1 : Gothic Literature – Podcast culturel en anglais (élèves de 1ère de Mme Lotito Marina – Février 2023)

 Discovering English Literature- PART 1- un podcast culturel en anglais pour découvrir la littérature du monde anglophone et améliorer son anglais. 

This year Mrs Lotito and her classes I have decided to make you discover Literature in the English speaking world. Part 1,
made by this year premiere spé anglais, is dedicated to the gothic genre : are you ready to get frightened by some horrific tales created by talented pupils?
Do you want to learn more about the gothic authors?
Are you curious about gothic films or TV shows?
Here are some awesome podcasts if you’re ready to set foot.. or ear into a new creepy world…

Intro by Mrs Lotito :


I – Intro 

Here is Lisa’s crafty…but scary tale introducing a gothic setting using specific lexicon :


II – Series of podcasts to present the Gothic genre

2- Manon :


3- Loïs :


4- Célia :


5- Aron


III – Interviews

6- Ambre


7- Laurie


8- Lou :


9- Maxence


10- Aimy :


Montage podcasts : chaque élève,
Montage interview : Mrs Lotito.



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